Bee – Quality Assurance Officer
Hello, I’m Bee.
I am an experienced administrator with 6 years experience as a Placements Officer with an Independent Fostering Agency. Alongside my placements role I supported carers with their administration. This included training, one to one sessions and group training… as well as any other format which was useful to the carer! I am a geek at heart (I love a list and a spreadsheet).
As well as working with a fostering agency, my family also fostered children and young people when I was a child/young adult. I also have a lot of experience in schools, including some teaching. I feel lucky to be in a role which both utilises my skills in carer support and administration, alongside my passion for the care of young people.
Outside of work you may find me gigging with my husband, tending to the vegetable patch, cooking (eating), riding motorcycles as well as running around after our recently born twin boys.